A baby will go through around 6000 disposable nappies before graduating to undies. Or 24 reusable nappies.
Every choice matters.

The problem with plastic
One garbage truck full of plastic enters the oceans every minute, and it's estimated that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. This is one of the reasons we're so passionate about eliminating single-use plastic pollution. Reusable nappies are our solution.
A reusable nappy is used 240 times compared to a single-use disposable.
Our promise
We can’t create a sustainable future on our own, but we can make quality products responsibly and with sustainability at the heart of every decision. We hope to inspire more parents and caregivers to choose reusable alternatives, and we're here to support them on their sustainability journey.

Sustainability in action
Every cloth nappy purchased diverts 5 plastic bottles from entering the ocean.

The journey continues
We're proud of our sustainability actions so far, but our journey to do better doesn't end here (or ever!). Along with our sister brands at the Think Better Group, we can reduce our impact and continue to do better for the future of our planet.